Curriculum Statement - Science
At Rivington we understand that all children are naturally curious about the world in which they live and are keen to find out more about it. It is the job of science to harness this curiosity, so that children actively seek to discover more about and make sense of their surroundings, both natural and manmade. Practical investigations and first hand experiences will nurture and refine this innate enthusiasm enabling the child to have a more meaningful understanding of the forces which shape the world and their place in it.
As the child progresses through the school, they will be encouraged to think in scientific terms and use appropriate scientific language and skills to investigate in an ordered and logical way. Refinement of thought processes, clarity of language and careful recording of results will lead to many links with other curriculum areas. Children will be taken on a curriculum journey that introduces them to a range of different scientists who have shaped the world and encouraged to evaluate their ideas.
In an increasingly scientific and technological world, it is vital that children are kept informed of current scientific advances, so that as inheritors of the earth informed judgements can be made about the efficacy of their application.
Where possible our science curriculum will be linked to our school values: Respect, Protect, Give Thanks and Keep Peace.
Curriculum Intent
As one of the core subjects taught in primary schools, we give the teaching and learning of science the prominence it requires.
At Rivington Primary School, in conjunction with the aims of the National Curriculum, our Science teaching offers opportunities for children to:
- develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of Biology, Chemistry and Physics;
- develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of science through different types of science enquiries that help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them;
- be equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future.
- develop the essential scientific enquiry skills to deepen their scientific knowledge.
- use a range of methods to communicate their scientific information and present it in a systematic, scientific manner, including I.C.T., diagrams, graphs and charts.
- develop a respect for the materials and equipment they handle with regard to their own, and other children’s safety.
- develop an enthusiasm and enjoyment of scientific learning and discovery.
The Pearson Science Bug scheme will provide a structure and skill development for the science curriculum being taught throughout the school, which is developed from the National Curriculum.
Children have weekly lessons in science throughout key stage 1 and 2, using Pearson Science Bug plans and resources. In Early years, Science is taught through the children learning about the world around them in their learning through play. The content of this is mapped out on our long term science plans to ensure progression as children move into key stage 1.
Our commitment to the CARE curriculum values at Rivington enables us to provide opportunities to engage learners in the process of science by providing enriching experiences through school visitors, trips, British Science Week and workshops in school. We work alongside other primary schools in St Helens and The Ogden Trust to further support our physics teaching and learning.
We endeavour to ensure that the science curriculum we provide will give children the confidence and motivation to continue to further develop their skills into the next stage of their education and life experiences.
At Rivington science will be taught through a half-termly science topic using the Pearson Science Bug scheme. Where possible we will make natural links to other curriculum areas and reinforce science learning through good quality texts.
As part of our planning process, teachers plan a knowledge organiser for each half term which outlines key knowledge and vocabulary that children must master based on the Pearson Science Bug scheme. Science progression is ensured as each class follows the learning intent mapped out on the Science Curriculum Journey. Foundation stage have written their own long term plans which complement and feed into the early stages of the Pearson Science Bug topics beginning at key stage 1.
We aim to explicitly teach children about the different types of scientific enquiry and skills that they will use throughout their time at Rivington and beyond in their science learning. Scientific enquiry objectives are weaved within the Pearson Science Bug scheme lessons. We have a consistent approach to ensuring that children recognise the enquiry types they are using within a particular investigation and use display images throughout key stage 1 and 2 to support this. The key skills for science are identified and taught explicitly within each year group as they are required.
We encourage children to reinforce their learning and interest in science by providing a science learning library in school. Children can visit this area and select a science-related book to enjoy. This complements class learning as well as enriching our curriculum provision. The Ogden Trust also enrich our science resources with a shared library and practical resources for foundations stage upwards.
Cross curricular links are made when possible, ensuring high quality science provision remains.
Where possible the science curriculum will be used to extend the children’s cultural capital. Our commitment through our CARE curriculum to provide enriching experiences ensures that teachers plan opportunities to engage children through visitors and trips. We aim to use the local area where possible to enrich our science provision. We make links with Cowley Language College to enrich our curriculum and arrange visits to explore their science resources.
Children in key stage 1 and 2 have a science book to record their learning. In any written work children should be encouraged to maintain the standard of work required in literacy lessons and grammar, spelling and punctuation should be corrected in an appropriate way. Foundation stage teachers record science learning within their big book with photographs and annotation.
Our science curriculum is high quality and planned to demonstrate progression. If children are keeping up with the curriculum they are deemed to be making good or better progress.
Children’s learning will be informally assessed through questioning, work in books, observations, pre and post learning tasks. We will use a double page spread in Y3-Y6. Children will be informally assessed half termly and will be encouraged to reflect on standards achieved and knowledge gained against the planned outcomes.
We aim for the vast majority of our children to be working at age related expectations in Science and for those working towards or children with significant additional needs to be making appropriate progress.
Equality and SEN Statement
At Rivington Primary School we aim to provide equality of opportunity for all children whatever their age, ability, gender, race, religion or background. We aim to create an environment that values each pupil and enables them to achieve their full potential. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum appropriately differentiated to respond to pupils’ diverse learning needs. The opportunities and experiences we provide enable our pupils to participate fully and give their best across all aspects of school life. We place great value on the quality of relationships within our school community and celebrate the achievements of all pupils.
We appreciate that children may have special educational needs throughout, or at any time during their school career. At Rivington Primary School we aim to facilitate the full inclusion of pupils with special educational needs.
In Science it is important to include a wide range of role models involved in scientific discoveries, theories and ideas. The subject can also be used to promote discussion of different beliefs and changes over time.
Our Science Ambassadors 2025
Click here to see the winning science competition entries from across St Helens schools;