Y5 and Y3 teach the Foundation Stage
Date: 11th May 2016 @ 5:41pm
This week, Reception and Nursery were invited to join Y5 to take part in activities organised by the children. On Tuesday, Y5 planned a rotation of Maths activities for our Foundation Stage children and organised the resources in teams. Some of them even continued making resources at home! The children had lots of fun ordering dinosaur numbers, completing 'colour by number' dinosaur pictures and solving dinosur shape puzzles.
On Wednesday, Y5 planned outdoor activities including a multiskills obstacle course, a dinosaur bone hunt and a 'What's the Time Mrs Dinosaur' game. Our Nursery and Reception children loved learning new facts about dinosaurs and thoroughly enjoyed the 'Hide and Seek Dinosaur' activity. Y5 were fabulous at pretending to be prehistoric creatures!
Reception were delighted to have been invited to join Y5 and decided to write letters to invite other classes to join them. On Wednesday afternoon, Y3 came to join our class and brought some maths and literacy games along. Y3 were fantastic at helping Reception with reading sentences and recognising shapes. Afterwards, Reception introduced Y3 to some of their favourite activities outside. They used junk modelling to build dinosaurs, built a marble run using Podeley and cooked dinner in the mud kitchen.
Thank you to our Junior friends! We have had a wonderful week.