Village of Hale and Speke Hall by Freya

Date: 1st Nov 2016 @ 3:12pm

              Village of Hale and Speke Hall.

On Thursday Year 6 and Year 5 went on a school trip to Hale village and Speke Hall. We all travelled together on a double decker for about 25 minutes (everybody was excited.) When we arrived we walked to see a black and white cottage that the Childe of Hale lived at but now it is a holiday home.

Then we walked to the statue and we stood next to. We all were small except for Mr Veitch. Next we went to his grave, it was not that big but the bones might be longer then the grave.

Finally we went on the coach to go to Speke Hall. When we went on the trail we had to find different objects like buttons, a house with feet dangling out of the windows and the Child of Hale was snoring, an upside down face and a coin and some boots and book stools. 


Freya Y6     

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